Sometimes it is hard to gain traction and move forward. A simple redirection can get us going.
Are you stuck in the same place trying to move forward in life but not gaining traction? Recently, I realized that my thoughts were far out of line with what God's Word says. I was spending a lot of time worrying, worrying about money, my children, our future, etc. Matthew 6:31-34 explains to us that we are not to spend our time worrying, but to seek God and His kingdom.
Worrying paralyzed me with fear; I was literally stuck. I wasn't moving forward in what God has for me, I was like a plane circling the runway - in a holding pattern. You know what happens to a plane that stays in a holding pattern? It eventually runs out of gas and crashes.
So, what did I do? I refocused on the Truth by immersing myself in His Word and presence. I increased my time spent reading and studying the Word. I began watching more DVD's and online teachings. I pray more than before...
We all face moments of being stuck, being in a holding pattern – there is a way out. Get in His presence and keep moving forward!
Martha, Martha is not the singing group, is it? It's Mary, Mary. "...they hear My Word, and they are able to do what I've called them to do." (Listen, I cannot confirm that this is why the gospel group has that name, but on this night in my bed, I believe this is what I heard, and I responded accordingly, by getting back into the Word and presence of God- okay? Okay.)
Edify: To teach in such a way as to improve the mind or character
Equip: To prepare for a particular activity or problem
Encourage: To make someone more determined, hopeful, or confident