God has promised us life in abundance, to the full, till it overflows (see John 10:10 Amplified Bible). He is not going to go back on His promise. It is time to truly live in God’s economy, the Kingdom of God, and trust that He is well able to fulfill all He has promised. Don’t be concerned about the “cliff” or the storms and chaos in the nations. God is not looking at the world and trying to figure out how He can keep His promise to us, His children. Through prayer, you establish His will to be done in this earth and simply – B.E.L.I.E.V.E.
Martha, Martha is not the singing group, is it? It's Mary, Mary. "...they hear My Word, and they are able to do what I've called them to do." (Listen, I cannot confirm that this is why the gospel group has that name, but on this night in my bed, I believe this is what I heard, and I responded accordingly, by getting back into the Word and presence of God- okay? Okay.)
Fear has many faces and will keep you from enjoying the good life that God has prepared for you. If you recognize any of these behaviors in your life, I pray you receive revelation from God and deliverance.
Edify: To teach in such a way as to improve the mind or character
Equip: To prepare for a particular activity or problem
Encourage: To make someone more determined, hopeful, or confident